2. English
  3. About NSTec
  4. History


Prior to establishment of Nippon Securities Technology Co., Ltd.

1974,March New Japan Securities Information System established
1974,September Wako Data Center established Online System (the First generation) put into operation
1983,October Kyodo Computer Service established
2000,October Establishes Shinko Computer System by the merger of New Japan Computer System and Wako Computer System

Nippon Securities Technology Co., Ltd.

2001,July Nippon Securities Technology Co., Ltd. established through merger of joint computer service with Shinko Computer System
2003,March Registered and certified as system integrator
2003,May NSTechno-phone Manager sales commence
2003,December ISO9001:2000 certification
2004,July New Shinko Securities STAGE system
Stage 1 (ordering and contracts) enters operation
2005,February ISMS Ver. 2.0 and BS7799-2:2002 certification
Scope of certification: Operation service for accounting systems
2005,March New Shinko Securities STAGE system
Stage 2 (online systems) enters operation
2006,October New Shinko Securities STAGE system
Stage 2 (batch systems) enters operation
2007,March Changeover to ISMS Ver. 2.0 ISO27001
2007,November NSTechno-Job Assistant sales commence
2008.October NSTechno-AssetManager Platform sales commence
2009,January Shinko Securities fully adopts digital share certificates
2009,April Changeover to ISO9001:2008
2009,May System interconnection associated with merger ofShinko Securities and Mizuho Securities
2010,January Mizuho Securities adopts Tokyo stock exchange's next-generation “Arrowhead” share trading system
2011,April NSTechno-phone Navi sales commence
2011,May Mizuho Securities Net Club fully operational
2013,January System support for merger of Mizuho Securities and Mizuho Investors Securities
2013,June NSTechno-phone Harmony sales commence
2013,July Changes to deal with merger of Tokyo and Osaka stock exchanges
2013,August Aladdin peripheral system service introduced
2014,January Changes to deal with introduction of NISA
2015,June System support for branch intermediation with Mizuho Bank
2015,September Changes to deal with Arrowhead upgrade by Tokyo stock exchange
2016,January Changes to deal with My Number ID number system
Changes to deal with junior NISA accounts